Sunday, March 4, 2018

Hard to grasp the complexity of the origin of these beings.

The ones that are like the past.


The beings before you are complex, as they are 5 levels above the reality you are accustomed too. I mean this without offence, because they are actually outside the quality of ideas we live in. It will become clear as I attempt to describe these beings from their origin as spirits of the earth.

If we begin at the beginning we can travel to the complexity of another world through them.

On the earth, where I am in physical and where the majority of people dwell, their are four concepts often encountered within our daily life. These beings have shown up in my discussion before, they are Faith, Wisdom, Fear and Madness. Whats interesting however, is that the above beings are not the same as the beings I discussed previously.

Because that was the known that everyone kind of understands to some degree.

We all know something like:

  • Faith is the beleif in something with an absolute certainty.
  • Wisdom can be the study of nature in an objective way.
  • Fear is when we see something dangerous and flee.
  • Madness is an idea that most do not beleive that is probably false.
Most people know things like that, they are understood concepts we know rather well.

These things are obviously not even the only things that exist in the modern world, this is obvious, however to list them all would take a while, even in that format so lets keep this section simple for what it represents ( the earthly knowledge ) we shall call these beings the originators

However, their is something I found after having listed and explored the above things that is unique and not usually visited, simply because most people are not preoccupied with four highly opposite concepts ( which I picked up across time ) 

What follows from here however is not the same knowledge that most are used to, thus it may become progressively harder to understand.


What I will now be bringing up are the cardinals, atleast the first four I discovered ( their are atleast 16 more ). They are used in tandem with the originators to create other concepts. They are below:

  • Ita is the idea of advancing an idea through the previous
  • Inver is the idea of finding an opposite concept from the previous
  • Ypoc is the idea of unifying or blending two concepts into a new one
  • Aver is the idea of keeping the two ideas ( or more ) seperate but interacting.
These beings are better explained through example however, especially if you arent familiar with what they do, so let us apply them to the originators we have mentioned:

Ita and Madness

Madness is often delusions that aren't realistic compared to what we know. However some ideas that seem insane can be real when proven or shown true.

Inver and Fear

The opposite of Fear is bravery, the capacity to face up to the scary thing and perhaps fight.

Ypoc, Wisdom and Faith

The two mentioned things when combined create a beleif in science as the way to advance life and improve it considerably, while holding true to the gods of science and ensuring true and rightful testing and experimentation.

Aver of the three things previous

This is a concept that took the previous generated ideas and made a new one, This is the study of braving scary ideas such as fearful laws in science. Then finding crazy but truly innovative ways to approach the solutions to those fearful laws, while still taking total interest in the testing of these new ideas with theories and experiments. 

As you can see, we created a new philosphical feild of interest in merging these various ideas together to create some new form of approach for something. You could apply ita again to advance the initial idea further and improve its own specific work, towards its greater goal of resolving laws of science.

Thus we know that cardinals in their various interactions with things that exist, that we create new ways of doing things, through those original things that showed up in the past.

The things after the new. Desires

Then their are many things that follow from after the discovery of more then what we knew in the beginning of this story, through which we can try to do things we never imagined and explore questions we have not asked.

From here I persued the unknown, the thing we just didn't know and went in search of a way of organising the principles of anything together. In doing so I came up with a basic situational based scheme of organisation for my own view. Which may not be what you want...

Their are several concepts to this basic scheme, we will begin with that, then follow with what is beyond this. The concepts are as follows:

  • Hwall, the things we want in this world that we seek out
  • Spoil, the things that can ruin the situations for others
  • Loweth, the system of what is unfair within the two previous
  • Raoth, the way to solve the spoils in some cases
The best way to explain how this desire related issue-interaction idea works is to show an example ( it is quite polarising aswell ). Thus the example follows, you will also note that this concept can come up often in life and is often why certain things are hard to achieve. 

However it is actually useful to study this phenomenon, it is however a totally seperate topic. 


Hwalla and her friends are at a theme park where the options are swimming or a roller coaster. Hwalla wants to go to the roller coaster, so does Loweth. However, Raoth and Spoila want to go swimming. Here's where it gets tricky, because Hwalla wanted them to hang out together, but two people want to go a different place. We need a final peice of context to really make this uncertain, this context is that Spoila also wants everyone to hang out, but wants to go elsewhere. 

Hwalla and Spoila, both want slightly different but similar things, Loweth and Raoth have possible ideas on how to solve this issue. Loweth argues that they should stick together and decide which to go to among the two. Raoth argues that they could split up and go their seperate ways to hang out later.

In both solutions, they're not perfect and effect one half of the wants of the two girls. Either case is not perfect and their is one more solution, they could go to both, but the theme park closes in an hour. 

Loweth and Raoth do not agree either I might add and are both coming from their own desire. Thus we have a circumstance that is notably spoiling the desires of the people involved. These are why things are hard to get done in perfected ways in some circumstances and are hard decisions to make. 

Each option has an equal value, unless you can find one that resolves it. If their existed roller coaster pools for example , it might be a different discussion, but its not the case. Thus I will try to find an option that works best in this circumstance.

Without adding anymore rules, the better option could be to come back the next day with more time and go to both. Essentially, the context of a circumstance is highly relevant and voletile to the circumstances in question.

But what is the relationship between the previous generation of ideas concept and the one of spoils? The two can interact and the results should be properly dealt with, the one of the better ways to know how to deal with these kinds of problems is to initially be aware of them and consider them in advance and attempt to avoid them entirely, or if its too late resolve them constructively with the help of others trapped in the circumstance.

Better is it to avoid an accident then to figure out how to remove that peice of shrapnel from that location after it occurs.

While I could discuss the hairsplittings and scenarios for an entire blog post, I wanted to also discuss what I found as I moved past the spoilage, into the things we can do by stepping away from crcumstances that are spoiled as best as possible. Because through knowing the problem do we work with it rather then against it towards better circumstances.

Beyond the hwalls: Boredom the unmentioned

Since it is better not to spoil a circumstance, what can we actually do when working with our eyes on what we want, without spoiling it for others. Because their is alot out there and their are ways to find things far outside the things we know.

Thus I worked towards finding things really far away from earth, after thinking about spoil for a while, trying to find wild bizarrities I could not understand the same way. Probably because I wanted to see what else goes on in the "multiverse".

This is probably where I lost most people, because I'm catching up to the place I'm located in the thing I built and usually this creates a disorganized thought that is still incomplete, fear not I went beyond it to better explain it, but the edge of this text is still going to be difficult to know.

I wanted to know what was after the idea of spoil in relation to work within the many things that exist and I became so obsessed with it that it drove me mad, this led to me saying totally random non-sense and having no idea what I was going on about, until I realised I was whaling and was able to explain that I had just seen a cosmic entity called a whale, this being is genuinely meant to be incomprehensible, due to it being natural insperation for the attempt to understand it.

Thats how bored I got trying to find something past what I already had, boredom thus is a fabulous tool for find higher comlexities and is part of the board of things that I now use to generate new informations on reality.

Boredom and the whaling work hand in hand to produce new ideas, you get too bored of the situation of incompletion, driving the thought process into new territory which renders new ideas and causes the situation to advance. 

If you saw my previous blog however, I went so freaking far into the randomness of it. Creating a weird world involving animals as aspects of reality, however it was simplistic and not related to what follows ( except through coincedence and hairsplittings of connection, within a bored reaction. )

Thus I discovered these basic things, that I may have previously posted here:

This is my drawing of the whale.

This is the first whaling I drew, it became a universe

This is a later complexifying system of insanity realised.

Essentialy these things are things I did not understand, that I then tried to understand and discovered that I could infact comprehend them in the end. This is the beginning of some strange system of exploration, but I asked the question what follows from this in completion and this is how these were born:

I doubt you see the connection, so I will explain it.

These are the four things I mentioned at the beginning, the first one contains all the information I just explained ( the one with the floating mask ) the rest are inversions of the simplifaction of the information I just described in detail.

Thus they represent in simplification:

Green: Known things in a direction of interest unknown ( Taking something farther into new territory )

Red: Unknown sight of a boredom known ( Finding innovation in the seen )

White: Certain Feeling of understood qualia ( The resulting emotions of visions known )

Grey: Uncertain ignorance of unknown sound ( How to hear voices ) Their will be a warning so you can skip this part in red.

What do these mean then? 

Well, I will attempt to explain the basic ideas of each and yes, the last one is a way to hear voices that aren't there and gain new insights from nowhere ( or something )

The things that go farther in the thing before. ( Recurrences in time )

Now that I have gone mad in the eyes of most, as the eyes of the quantity of these things are different from the previous topics. Due to them being made of each directional pole. The coded view of this text can seem totally bizaar protecting some amount of people from the dangers of misuse in especially the last context. The things above are concepts that are quite new even for me.

We can understand the first direction of thought to be knowing things can be taken farther then what we know before, through the process of exponential growth and complexity, such that they become one thing among aliens of another kind (due to things going other directions).

Thus the very above image is an example of a curved and upwards spiral into the unknowns that are learned. However this is just a faithful thing, it has no substance or physicallity in greater use, merely a medium for advancing topics in new ways, what is interesting about it is that you can travel in a single direction that takes you higher, but does not provide more then what is done through exploration.

Thus let us find a second wisdom to learn from, that can greatly increase the utilities of our original things gained in the first process. Such that we gain more ideas in what we have done already, advancing the known in a newer model. Special updates that behave with the greater knowledge gained by the faithful uplift. We can then construct more advanced systems of momentum.

We do this simply by forcing ourselves to develope the topic further, to gain an advancement within the boredom of the thing we had before, creating a new tangent addition to the original system of realisation. We now have two directions of advancement, rather then one, that sculpt our reality in a unique beginning. ( refrence to what is actually farther.

These two and the later beings, are what are known as advancers, they travel across spectrums of growth towards higher complexity, but in this model cannot predict where they go ( thats whats coming ) 

The other two advancers behave similar in advancing things, but do so differently.

The third advancers takes an emotional approach to the feelings we get, to know how we feel in relation to them, to better keep the emotions in order so as to remain somewhat stable and not end up uncertain of the situation.

We use this one as an emotional inspirer, to encourage our work, thus we travel through mental images of feelings and explore the transient thoughts of our current adventures and experiences to find greater things within our emotional dictionary. Picking up random datapoints along the way.

Warning, voice hearing is next, skip to next red line!

If you want to hear voices, continue reading, but you know people go to the hospital in crisis because they hear them and don't understand them properly.

We use voices that don't exist to gain insperational criticism and complement to better gain access to random tangent lines of thought, in a manner that is mostly just random, this is a useful generation of quantities that continues throughout the day. 

We do this to better understand others views through random examples of those views that are actually originating from your consciousness in a manner that is always linked to things, because its all in your head. 

This is done by making random noises you hear, sound like words in your mind. Its quite simple. The following text is a distraction to hide the explanation in a chain of text so no one who doesn't want to know sees it as this topic has reached its end.

Must continue writing nonsense, until this looks less obvious, please actually continue past the red line to continue learning about the information I am sharing today. This is a distraction to safe guard the desires of people and the like. Remember that its in your head...

End of voice hearing instructions.

These are advancers, that permit the modified advancements of a thing, this is something I have never mentioned before that I find useful to the people who care, but I noted something else in the process of creating this blog post, thus I will share it with you.

Spacetime putty: A way to complexity in time

This is the furthest reaching concept I have found and is made of the qualities of the previous beings in a different direction of organisation. Thus this is the complexified system which permits its behavior as described, it is made from the original set of discussed kinds and their inversions.

If the first side of this substance is the originators, cardinals, reactions and advancers, then the inversion is the goals, orientors, eventualisers and meetups. Together they form a system of time travel in linear directions and are capable of predicting the future and causing the outcome to occur.

However, I know litte of these circumstances and thus I leave it here for now, when I return it shall be further advanced. 


In the cosmic sea, Pharath and friends studied some of its knowledge, specifically this difficult to describe idea, which they summarized as something a lot like parsemy, but with additional inclusion.

They realized they could use a system like this to travel in specific mental directions, through pointing it in that direction. Thus because they had yet created something like this, they began implementing it in their work.

  • Pharath, has views of morality and safety, he will decrease risks in surrounding areas
  • Hilisa has views of limitation and unlimitation, she will point it towards inversion
  • Sugu has views of faith and magic, she will travel towards the blend of its ideas
  • Vane has views of wisdom and science, he will make way to the idea of previous.
They can use this to create new knowledge in certain subject fields, which work in one direction. Thus they applied each once, on their ideas:

Pharath will substract things from safety concerns:

For example, in the context of the gas which permeates the environment, providing their abilities and fuel for their weapons, he knows it may be breathed in and cause internal harm. Thus he will cause it to subtract from itself, such that it avoids the breathing orifices and ensures it moves out of the way of breaths.

Hilisa with invert things to find their limitations:

When Hilisa needs to break a limit, such as how the smoke avoids, she says:

"It cannot move quickly enough"

Before ensuring it can through the magical property ( or physical invention, such as adding high power directional propellers )

Sugu, will blend the ideas she has towards new:

Using her knowledge of magic, she will blend component meanings to achieve new ones in colors between them. For example:

Black(Unity) + White (Purity) = Grey (Organisation)

This will help her improve her magic and even aid Vane.

Vane will add more detail to the knowledge with itself:

Because Vane can already attain properties through meaning, he must expound on their information on his own, for example:

Potency is undefined: Thus Vane defines it as the ability that something has in strength of itself.

He could then improve it further when he is lacking the information he needs.

Thus the four friends have learned a new trick and head off to the land of the wolves, to both help Wildcard advance his world, and their own.

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