We know that in magic, their is a duty to seek out the things we ask for or their will be no means to acquire the thing we asked for, however did you know that their is a greater variable to what we seek that is often not considered?
This variable is the location and surroundings of the search for the requested object, for example if one asks for a crystal flower and seeks it out within the forest, they will likely find a flower covered in dew rather then a glass sculpted flower in an antique shop.
The persuit of these things is based on where you look after all and while the search may take you out of the way, on the persuit of the specific thing one seeks, the attempt to find it is always related to where you looked, which modifes the form of the thing acquired then.
Thus depending on the persuit for the thing and where you go in search of it, you can acquire several forms of the request, as their are always several forms of the thing seeked. Using this wisely, one can acquire the thing they want based on the desire specific search.
Thus todays topic is based around the environments used on the persuit of the requested magic. However, this topic is also going to be related to corebits of the object and using these two things in tandem to acquire the requested objects.
Corebits are the orbits of objects within a surrounding, and is best explained by thinking of the places something is likely to appear at some random time. For example we know that paper can be found scattered in cities and grass is very often found in forests.
Environments on the other hand, are the places you've been to or are going to seek out the thing requested magically, these two formations ( the orbits of objects and where you will look for them ) seem similar, but the corebit is the common ground of an object within and environment, while the environment is unique.
Paper is found in cities as one of it's corebits, the environment is your city and it's likely hoods of being somewhere in that city.
Their are two main environments within which their are many more and more main environments could be made ( but this is another topic ) each location can be divided into forest or city, sometimes their are inbetweens however such as roads and highways ( both decent corbital locations ).
Thinking of where something is likely to occure greatly increases the chances of the magic occuring, because magic can only enter in the places it is most likely to occure, this is a common mistake of beginners who assume a dollar will always materialise in their hand moments after they ask for it.
The ability to seek out something after using magic is quite potent, because you did all you could do to achieve the thing you seeked. One does not acquire something by doing nothing and one should not assume they can.
This is the concluded portion of the topic, seeking the right environments and corebits is vital for creating successful spells although it is not necessary at times.